Learn to make baskets: Learn about turtles and basketry as you make a basket with the design of a turtle! Promotes mindfulness! Kit makes one coiled basket about 5 to 6" wide.
The kit comes in a bag containing: Paper fiber rush, raffia, tapestry needle and color photo instructions. This kit also includes a free design sheet should you wish to purchase materials to make a basket of your own design.
You will need: scissors, ruler, and water. This basket will take approximately 6 to 8 hours to complete, and it is recommended to stitch in several sessions, taking frequent breaks.
This kit is intended for intermediate skill level: Ages 12 and up, Adult Participation necessary for younger ages.
Learn, Create, Inspire: There is great joy and power in learning a new skill, and all of our kits include quality basket craft supplies and thorough instructions that will guide you along the way.